Artistic Arsenals: Turning a New Page

For the past three years, I have done a series of art-history lectures, ranging from Old Masters to Forgotten Masters. The lectures have been well attended in person and, surprisingly, have found a large, international audience online. (You can see recordings of them here.)

As a result, I am adopting a new approach to my writings and work that is less blog oriented in the style that I have maintained on Bearded Roman. Instead, you will be able to follow my lectures, writings, and work on a new site:

Bearded Roman will still be here, and you can find me on all the same social media.

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  1. Cheryl Chester

    I am a painter and just finished listening to your Delacroix video. It is wonderful. Often art historians focus on subjects that are not of great interest to artists. But you get to the true essence of the making of a painting which incudes the mind of the artist, technical considerations, personal/political/societal influences and more. I also love your enthusiasm. If you have your new web site up which includes your new approach to online presentation of your invaluabe work I would love to have the link which I will share with my artist colleagues.
    (You will not find my work online. I am an Emily Dickinson. But I have experienced all of the approaches you describe, from modern art to designo and finally to a more colorist Delacroix approach. — the shackles are off.)

  2. 12/10/2020

    To CHERYL CHESTER, Interesting comment. Consider that art is larger than yourself and share it. We all benefit from each others gifts.

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