1. Elatia Harris

    Wonderful! Now if only you could exhume Ary Scheffer…

  2. 5/9/2009

    fantastic to see that an interest in L. Bonnat’s work is having a come back. I’d like to point out the painting of Adam and Eve…. is posted in reverse. Does anyone know if a catalog res. is being written, if so when can we expect to see it in print??
    ATB. Daniel

    • 5/18/2009

      Mr. Graves, Though we have never met, I have been a great admirer of your work both as an artist and as a teacher. It’s great to hear from you.

      Thank you for the note on Adam and Eve. I’ll fix that. As for Leon Bonnat, I have been in contact with Dr. Alisa Luxenberg, a professor of Art History at the University of Georgia. In the early 1990s, she wrote the only english-language doctoral dissertation on Leon Bonnat to date. There is another, more-recent study, title The Scandinavian Pupils of the Atelier Bonnat by Siulolovan Challons-Lipton, which borrows heavily from Dr. Luxenberg’s dissertation.

      Unfortunately, as far as I know, little is being done to study his life and work.

  3. 5/18/2009

    Many thanks for writing back. I’ve looked for years in hopes of discovering more work by Bonnat. Gerry Ackerman, ( he wrote the cat. res. of leon Gerome )told me several years ago that a women in the US. had been working on a book, but couldn’t remember her name….all the best,Daniel

  4. 6/8/2016

    […] Spanish masters including Jusepe de Ribera and Diego Velasquez, whose works had a lot in common with French Realism in its portrayal of the human […]

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