from his blog,
In today’s Wall Street Journal, Daniel Grant talk about US Marine “combat artists” currently working in Iraq. From the article:
“The military uses artists in a variety of roles. Most create recruiting posters, maps and diagrams, and animation for interactive military-training software, but some also produce combat art. Those soldiers will go into the field with a platoon, drawing and painting scenes of military life.”
From “This Military Basic Training Is in Art” by Daniel Grant (Wall Stret Journal | October 18, 2006)
A quick search on the Google took me to the blog of Michael Fay, who describes himself as “one of three combat artists for the United States Marine Corps.” His blog ( features work, in various stages, that he has done in the field.

from his blog,

from his blog,
His paintings evoke for me the kind of 19-century painting done by the French artists accompanying Napoleon on the Nile. (There is currently an exhibition on this French art at the Dahesh Museum in New York.) It’s a wonderful surprise to know that the Military is supporting this kind of reflection on their work.